HPCL Biofuels invites applications for backlog vacancies in various positions at its Bihar plants. Apply now at hpclbiofuels.co.in.
HPCL Biofuels Limited
(A Wholly owned subsidiary company of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.)
Backlog Vacancy (2023 – 2024) – Recruitment Notice
Advt. no. 001/HBL/Backlog Vacancy/2023 – 2024
Date: 05.03.2025
HPCL Biofuels Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd., had published an advertisement for the year 2023-2024 to engage fixed-term contract employees for various positions at its integrated Sugar, Ethanol, and Co-gen Plant located in Sugauli, East Champaran, and Lauriya, West Champaran, Bihar. Applications are now being invited for selecting candidates on a fixed-term basis to fill backlog vacancies in reserved category positions arising out of the previously published advertisement.
For more details, please visit: www.hpclbiofuels.co.in
CEO, HPCL Biofuels Limited